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Poetry in Quenya (with English translation), the 1st full language in J.R.R. Tolkien's legendarium

Sing to the Stars


Lindë ana i Eleni

Lindë ana i eleni

An toi indo lasta 

An illi lan i lómë


Rya siluva laucalyenna

Ar antalyenna esta

Et erinqua


Oialë, kene an te

Qui lye návë vanwa

An maurë an seron

Sing to the stars

For they will listen

To all during the night


Their glow warms you

And gives you peace

From loneliness


Forever, look to them

If you are lost

Or need a friend

The Rising Wind


I Órë Súrë

Apa rimpa rámar sa lirusta

Fëastaldar loapoldorë

Tá imi i vilya


Tamminsúrë astova

Lanyalte ter fanyar

Ar yanwë i hellër


Moina Voronwa

Ámër etelehtar sancëva tennar

Ecelli úoi, an meldenaitër anna turyandë

On rushing wings that chant

Valiant souls grow strong

High in the air


Wind-forged from dust

They weave through clouds

And bridge the skies


Familiar patience

Delivers us from hateful thoughts

Forsaken never, for true friends give encouragement

The Surging Sea


I Ëar Falastala

Mírë senda nu

I Falmali 

I ëar ëa yávinqua


Ná ëa raxëa

Húror ortarë lúne rambar



Lestaya sívë vanyat



Treasure rests beneath

The cresting waves

The sea is bountiful


But is dangerous

Storms raise blue walls

Of destruction


That disappear as they depart

Then soon


Resilient Mountain







Mai norsondo 

Fëa poldorë

Úaica oialë


Túralócër har nuldë

Norala i menlómëo

Onr úna fírë, rië olos


Straight up



Excellent stone giant

Spirit of strength 

Unfelled evermore


Great serpents close beneath you

Fear not the coming of night

Stones do not die, only dream




Almalumbër, insilr, ar aldar

Heruravanda á aqua 

Nár ilnómë hósilo


Nár ilnómë talo

Tuimar úvëa



Imi cén



Mushrooms, lilies, and trees

Do fully rule the wilderness

Indeed everywhere from hence


Indeed everywhere thence

Abundant sprouts

Travel far


In soil 



A Quenya Haiku

Normë ter taurer

Oio tá voronwië

San i turlandar

Race through forests

Endless high endurance 

Then the majestic fields




Yello et lá 

I tehta mettava 

TuIindo hí  



Mandor ca cenítë  

Ter hencalcar 


Lómë nwámë 

Sacaenwina lúmë

An nolmëli

Call from beyond

The sign of the end

Will come 


Leave beneath

Halls behind sight

Through windows


Night howling

Search the old darkness

For much wisdom

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